Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Rest Day

Do CFE Strength & Conditioning WOD or CrossFit Main Site WOD
CFE Strength & Conditioning WOD

3x3 Front Squat @85% Rest 2min Between sets

Rest 5min

4 Rounds For Time Of:
10kb Swings 1.5/1pood
25 Double Unders

Mobility WOD

10:50x24hr CFE WOD,Katarina Visnar CrossFit Plamen

How Authors Really Make Money: The Rebirth Of Seth Godin And The Death Of Traditional Publishing.

Post Thoughts To Comments:


  1. I take it this is what we'll see until the main site is fixed of the attack sites?

  2. yes sir, this is home until main CFE is fixed.

  3. 3x3 Front Squats @ 155#

    4 RFT of KB Swings (1.5pood) DU


  4. Post plz WOD 07/09/2010

  5. What is up with all the Crossfit sites getting attacked by Malware sites? I noticed Crossfit Football is getting attacked. Hybrid Athletics is getting attacked. I am sure a few other crossfit affiliates are getting attacked. Anyone know the cause of this or what?

  6. anyway to put up some old wods just a few days.

  7. Strength & Conditioning this morning. 115lbs. for the Front Squats. Never maxed at those, but I know I could've went heavier. 5:47 for the circuit and subbed Tuck Jumps for DU's. Mobilty with stretching to end. Pretty good workout this morning.

  8. Great workout.
    FS: 100kg / wod rx: 3:48.

  9. accroding to old wods are as below:

    100907 "9 min Time Trial"
    CFE Strength and Conditioning Rest Day
    Choose ONE of the Following Sports:

    Swim, Bike, Run, C2

    9 Minute All out Effort
    Cover as much Distance as Possible.

    100906 "5x Intervals" (DailyWOD + 3H)
    3+ Hours After CFE Strength & Conditioning WOD or CrossFit Main Site WOD
    Choose ONE of the Following Sports:

    Swim: 5 x 200m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 200m. 30 second recoveries
    Bike: 5 x 2k holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 2k. 90 second recoveries (1-3-5 should be the same, and 2-4 should be the same if done outside)
    Run: 5 x 800m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 800. 90 second recoveries
    C2: 5 x 1000m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 1000m. 90 second recoveries

    100905 일요일 "Rest Day"
    Do CFE Strength & Conditioning WOD or CrossFit Main Site WOD

    100904 "10x Sprints" (DailyWOD + 3H)

    3+ Hours After CFE Strength & Conditioning WOD
    Choose ONE of The Following Sports:

    Swim: 20 x 25m/y all out sprints from mid pool start and finish… NO WALL STARTS. 1 min recoveries.
    Bike: 8 x 1k all out sprints w/ 2 min recoveries.
    Run: 10 x 100m all out sprints with 90 sec recoveries.
    C2: 10 x 125m all out Sprints w/ 1 min recoveries.

    100903 "Tempo 80-90%"
    Friday, 09.03.10: Tempo 80-90%
    CFE Strength and Conditioning Rest Day
    Choose ONE of the following sports:

    80% for the first half, 90% for the last half. Choose distance based on your event.

    Swim: SC: 400m , LC: 600m , U: 800m
    Bike: SC: 10 mile , LC: 18 mile , U: 25 mile
    Run: SC: 1.5 mile , LC: 5miles , U: 10miles
    C2: SC: 2k , LC: 5k , U: 8k

    100902 "24MIN PYRAMID" (DailyWOD + 3H)
    3+ Hours After CFE Strength & Conditioning WOD
    Choose ONE of The Following Sports
    Swim, Bike, Run, C2
    4min on, 2min off, 5min on, 2min off, 6min on, 2min off, 5min on, 2min off, 4min on Done!
    Cover as Much Distance as Possible on Each Interval.

  10. if you need web help, I can set up a wordpress site for CFE. email
